Kelly's Process Journal

Series - Finishing Touches

Finishing Touches

I've decided to make the favicon of my website the same emblem that sits at the top of the page, the abstract recreation of my floor plan. I converted the image into a .ico file and linked it as directed on every .html file, but for some reason, the icon only is visible in Safari, not Chrome. I'm looking into solving this issue, but have yet to find a fix. I also added a number of meta tags and secured the site (which was relatively easy since I am using github pages to host it).

Responsive UI

I've updated much of the site to be viewable on mobile by just incorporating max-width/height wherever possible rather than setting strict sizes for elements. The only remaining action items are to make the navigation boxes with the photo and arrows responsive as I was unable to incorporate non-strict sizes and make the homepage have less padding on the left and right on mobile.