Kelly's Process Journal

Week 1

It’s interesting to think about the concept of everyone having their own personal webpage. In looking through examples, these pages are something I want to feel nostalgic for, but am just barely too young to fully understand the appeal of. My introduction to the Internet was through flash player games, Club Penguin and the Disney Channel website. These handmade websites are so unique, with no site looking quite the same as the others. I can’t imagine a time when these sites ruled the web, and it sparks many questions for me about how they became popular. How did viewers find these art pieces? How did people secure such unique domains?

Having only ever known the world of Facebook and its subsidiaries, I find my own identity being fairly closely tied to mass social media sites. Maybe it’s a bit toxic, and I surely wish it wasn’t this way, but I can’t imagine a world without it at this point. I hope that this class can help broaden my horizons of the web and that making my own personal website will be a valuable experience that helps me express my interests on a platform other than Instagram.

Handmade Examples

Old New

Series Ideas

  1. Taylor Swift - analysis of each of the albums and the main themes of them, rankings of the songs based on different factors (lyrics, appeal to top charts, etc.) Possible ideas for web: a guitar with strings that correspond to the albums, different iconic images from each "era" (number 13, red lip, snake, heart, cardigan)

  2. Interviewing my roommates - could ask them a lot of different things, think it would be interesting to have the focus of each be different and correspond to their personalities, could make a picture of a house and have each window lead to the interview with them

my and my roommates on the first day of fall semester

  1. Learning to cook new things - alternatively, making the dishes I grew up with and seeing if they have the same nostalgic effect Possible ideas for web: a map with certain places highlighted where I'm making dishes from, a kitchen